Squirrel Treefrog

Dryophytes squirellus
(Daudin, 1800)
Jasper Co., South Carolina. May 25, 1998

It was the last hour of the last day of a trip to South Carolina, and as we returned to the vehicle to start the long trip home, someone made the comment that it would have been nice to find just one more species before we left. As I got in the passenger seat I noticed a frog on the windshield, and then my tired mind figured out it was on the inside of the windshield. I opened my mouth to say “Hey, here’s a squirrel treefrog!” and the frog jumped right into my open mouth! Well, that’s a novel way to catch one last herp, and how many people can claim they know what a squirrel treefrog tastes like? Photos are of a specimen from Tellfair Co., Georgia.

My Flickr album for this species is here.

HerpMapper records for this species are here.

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