Plethodon petraeus
Wynn, Highton, and Jacobs, 1988
Walker Co., Georgia. September 30, 2011.
I was headed for a herp survey in Alabama and thought I would take a slight detour in pursuit of this species. I found a few under an enormous rock overhang, not quite deep enough to be called a cave, but dark against the back wall nonetheless. The wet and slimy rocks made for precarious footholds as I photographed several in situ petraeus while hoping I didn’t slip and fall. Flash photography revealed an amazing salamander, colored to match the rocks and substrate, and with small white spots that perfectly mimic the tiny points of light that reflect back from wet surfaces. It was such a cool experience, I went back several days later and photographed several more.
My Flickr album for this species is here.
HerpMapper records for this species are here.