Mojave Rattlesnake

Crotalus scutulatus scutulatus
(Kennicott 1861)
Pima Co., Arizona. August 2, 2000

The road to Sasaberuns down from the north between mountain ranges – the Coyote and Baboquivari ranges to the west, and the Sierritas to the east. It runs straight for long distances, and the land here is either flat or slightly rolling. We headed south at dusk and night fell as we went along, tarantulas and scorpions in the headlights providing distraction until this juvenile Mojave came into view. It had just eaten a lizard or a small ‘roo rat as we came up on it, for it was still swallowing a lump and re-hinging its jaws. What a cutie!

My Flickr album for this species is here.

HerpMapper records for this species are here.

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