Forest Bromeliad Treefrog

Osteocephalus cabrerai
(Cochran and Goin, 1970)
Santa Cruz field station, Depto Loreto, Peru. January 21, 2013.

Characteristics for this species include: no chin tubercules, about 30% webbing on fingers. Light tympanum, shagreened flank, and there are spines on both legs/feet and hands/arms. Flap-like dermal folds on trailing edge of arm and tarsus. Iris is golden-yellow, and mostly clean; dark transverse band through the pupil. Light post-suborbital blotch. A marbled dorsal pattern, usually with green.

My Flickr album for this species is here.

Peru 2013 Flickr album is here.

HerpMapper records for this species are here.

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