Pristimantis diadematus
(Jiménez de la Espada, 1875)
Santa Cruz field station, Depto Loreto, Peru. January 21, 2013.
Some pristimantids can be difficult to identify without getting the frog in hand and checking markings on the ventral surfaces and legs. Pristimantis diadematus has dark and light diagonal bars on the lower portion of its sides, and bars on the upper thighs to match. They also have a light belly with dark mottlings, and the thighs also feature dark and white markings. The iris of the eye is tri-patterned – the top is gold with light veining, the middle is a darker red that traverses the pupil, and the bottom portion is pale with darker veinings. The dorsum is smooth with few spines.
My Flickr album for this species is here.
Peru 2013 Flickr album is here.
HerpMapper records for this species are here.